Strategic Planning

Value-adding facilitation by an external expert is the key to enabling the senior management teams to articulate or revisit the vision, mission, and corporate values; analyzing internal and external environments; deriving key success factors, and organizational core competencies; as well as to formulate long term and short-term objectives, strategies that form the foundation for corporate plans and corporate budget.

The hands-on approach by an experienced management consultant who has exposure to the time tested as well as cutting edge practical strategic planning methodologies across diverse industries over two decades is able to contribute towards enhancing the synergy of your corporate team in your corporate strategic planning projects.

Some examples of Strategic Planning services include, but not limited to the following:

Corporate Strategic Planning Workshop modules which consist of Management Development inputs, use of Strategic Management tools and techniques to produce the Corporate Strategic Plan.

• Facilitation of Executive Strategic Planning Sessions to articulate an organization’s Vision, Mission and Core Values.

• Facilitation of Comprehensive External Appraisal (PESTEL Analysis) session.

• Facilitation of Comprehensive Internal Appraisal (SWOT Analysis) session.

• Deriving Critical Success Factors.

• Formulating Strategic Objectives, Long-term Objectives and Short-term Objectives.

• Idea generation through Brainstorming, affinity clustering, lateral thinking and participatory solution generation.

• Formulating Strategies to achieve Objectives.

These Strategic Planning services can be customized based on the requirements of the respective client companies along with the right combination of training and management consultancy mix and the right duration.

If you wish to find out how we may be able to assist your organization, please contact us: