Management Consultancy

Management Consultancy

A wide range of management consultancy services is provided by a consortium of consultants who have hands-on and practical professional experience in the respective sub-domains of management in which they undertake management consultancy assignments.

Some of the Management Consultancy Assignments undertaken:

Designing and conducting Independent Surveys to Construct Indices

For an organization to be responsive to its internal and external environments, listing to the voices of employees and the voices of the external stakeholders is extremely critical. However, obtaining genuine inputs and feedback are possible only when the internal and external stakeholders are approached by external independent professionals who are administering and reporting the summarized information with the relevant analytics and recommendations. Our services include designing and conducting: Voice of Employees (VoE) Surveys for Employee Satisfaction Index, Voice of Customers (VoC) Surveys for Customer Satisfaction Index, and 360o Assessments for Competency Indices for Management Development and Talent Development. If you wish to find out how we may be able to assist your organization please contact us.

Job Descriptions

Drafting or updating Job Descriptions and helping you to finalize JDs for each position.

Training Needs and Organizational Development Needs Analysis

Organizational training needs analysis and individual training need analysis, as well as analysis of organization development needs: Identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing training and development needs.

Corporate Values

Decoding, articulating, and promoting the corporate values of your company.

Job Designing

With the evolution of the world of work due to the technology changes as well as business process improvements, the individual jobs have to be regularly monitored in terms of job and task analysis to design or re-design jobs and to document job descriptions. This is also an opportunity to design jobs to enable job enrichment, job enlargement, job sculpture as a prerequisite for employee empowerment and optimum workforce planning.

Organization Structure Design

Organizational designing to align with the strategy.

Competency Mapping

Deriving core competencies of your company/industry segment, Developing competency profiles/skill inventories.

Competitiveness improvement circles

Establishing cross-functional and cross-hierarchical Competitiveness improvement circles through consultancy for implementation, training, coaching, and hand-holding till they are sustainable without external help.

Circles of innovation

Establishing cross-functional and cross-hierarchical Circles of Innovation through consultancy for implementation, training, coaching, and hand-holding till they are sustainable without external help.

Policies, Processes, and Procedures

Establishing company policies, processes and procedures and implementation support.

Employment Contracts and Documents

Employment related contracts and other documents in conformity to Sri Lanka’s statutory requirements, and international best practices in corporate ethics.

Depending on the current needs, issues, or priorities of your organization, we are able to provide customized management consultancy solutions and corporate training inputs to help you achieve your objectives faster with fewer resources at an affordable rate.